The proposed wastewater treatment facility will be located close to our property/home. Are there any health risks associated with living near the wastewater treatment plant?

Landowners have long enjoyed recreational activities along this beautiful stream. Can you guarantee the discharged effluent will not harm our family, livestock, & natural native plants and animals?

The A3/reUse systems are purposefully designed to be environmentally beneficial. Clean water is extracted from the systems employing the most advanced membrane technology, while bacteria, viruses and other contaminants are degraded and removed through advanced sludge processes The resulting effluent (water) released meets the most stringent standards on record – and safe for all ecosystems.
Our home is less than 1⁄4 mile from the plant site. Is it going to be loud, or produce noise that might disturb the neighborhood?
reUse only uses state-of-the-art Kubicek Tri-lobe blowers, with 3” sound-attenuating foam inside a stainless-steel housing – the quietest blowers on the market. From a distance of 50’, the blowers produce less than 60 decibels. That’s 20% less than the normal human voice produces!! Talk about quiet!

We live close to the proposed site of the wastewater treatment plant, and we have heard it will produce unpleasant odors. What can be done to reduce the odors generated at the plant site?

I am concerned for the water quality in both the surface water and ground water. How will the effluent affect our Drinking Water Aquifer?

There always seem to be stories in the news of large spills or other environmental impacts from wastewater treatment facilities. How can you ensure the plant is maintained properly, and who is responsible for the upkeep and operation?

Will the plant produce any waste or byproducts that could harm the environment?
The byproducts from our plant are carefully managed and treated to ensure they do not harm the environment. Solid waste is processed and disposed of according to stringent environmental regulations. Our advanced treatment processes minimize waste and convert it into safe, manageable forms.

Who will be monitoring the river (lake, stream, etc.) to ensure the water is not contaminated by the effluent?

There are always droughts in our area and we are often under water restrictions. Can we use this water for irrigation?
Yes, our effluent water is considered Type 1 Reclaimed Water (reusable) which means the water can be used not only for irrigation, but also for fire suppression, food crops, athletic fields, public parks, landscapes, golf courses, common areas, residential homesites, and more. Due to the high quality of our effluent we strongly encourage beneficial reuse through the 210 Reclaimed Water Program.

In Texas, the water levels in our creeks/streams/rivers are already low and constantly under stress. Wouldn’t the discharge from a wastewater treatment just make things worse?

Are there any benefits to the community from having this plant nearby?
Yes, there are several benefits! Our plant helps to improve local water quality, support sustainable water management, and ensure safe wastewater treatment. By providing reliable wastewater treatment, we contribute to the overall health and well-being of the community. Additionally, our plant serves as a new source of water. By treating wastewater to a high standard, we can repurpose it for various non-potable uses such as irrigation, industrial processes, and replenishing local water bodies. This reduces the demand on existing freshwater sources, promoting water conservation and sustainability. In times of water scarcity, having an additional source of treated water becomes invaluable for maintaining the community’s resilience and sustainability.

Instead of building an entirely new plant, Why aren’t you using the city sewer?

Who is responsible for making sure the plant will abide by the permit limitations?
A certified operator is responsible for ensuring that the plant abides by the permit limitations. This professional is trained and licensed to manage the plant’s operations, monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, and implement necessary measures to maintain adherence to all permit conditions. Their expertise and oversight are crucial in maintaining the plant’s performance and environmental compliance.