FAQ for Our Future Neighbors

Quite the opposite in fact. Much safer than even a common septic system in your yard. All raw sewage is conveyed away from your property to be treated off-site, keeping your property free from all contaminants. Better yet, the water to be treated is contained in basins where a robust process degrades the organics and produces a reliable and clean effluent – which often meets or exceeds U.S. drinking water standards.

The A3/reUse systems are purposefully designed to be environmentally beneficial. Clean water is extracted from the systems employing the most advanced membrane technology, while bacteria, viruses and other contaminants are degraded and removed through advanced sludge processes The resulting effluent (water) released meets the most stringent standards on record – and safe for all ecosystems.

reUse only uses state-of-the-art Kubicek Tri-lobe blowers, with 3” sound-attenuating foam inside a stainless-steel housing – the quietest blowers on the market. From a distance of 50’, the blowers produce less than 60 decibels. That’s 20% less than the normal human voice produces!! Talk about quiet!

First, any well-designed wastewater treatment plant will not produce unpleasant odors from the treatment process itself. However, the odors that most people assume are from the plant are actually coming from the community’s sewer collection lines. It is within these collection lines that anaerobic bacteria produce hydrogen-sulfide gas, which then is released at the plant’s lift station or headworks. While no one can fully eliminate these odors, there are a variety of modifications to the collection system which may be implemented to dramatically reduce the levels of hydrogen-sulfide.
Our advanced Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology ensures that the treated effluent meets or exceeds all regulatory standards for safety and quality. The treatment process includes biological nutrient removal and filtration through membranes with a pore size of 0.038 microns, which effectively removes contaminants and produces high-quality effluent suitable for discharge or reuse. To protect drinking water aquifers, our systems are designed and operated with strict safeguards in place. We comply with all local, state, and federal regulations, and we conduct routine monitoring to ensure the effluent poses no risk to groundwater or aquifers. Safeguarding water resources is at the core of our mission, and we take every step necessary to protect them.
Our plant undergoes regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and safety. A dedicated team of professionals who are responsible for the upkeep and continuous monitoring of the facility. Routine maintenance schedules and checks are strictly followed to prevent any issues. REDUNDANCY

The byproducts from our plant are carefully managed and treated to ensure they do not harm the environment. Solid waste is processed and disposed of according to stringent environmental regulations. Our advanced treatment processes minimize waste and convert it into safe, manageable forms.

The local river authorities monitor waterways real-time and will be notified immediately if there is an impact on the river quality. They will then conduct an investigation to determine the source.

Yes, our effluent water is considered Type 1 Reclaimed Water (reusable) which means the water can be used not only for irrigation, but also for fire suppression, food crops, athletic fields, public parks, landscapes, golf courses, common areas, residential homesites, and more. Due to the high quality of our effluent we strongly encourage beneficial reuse through the 210 Reclaimed Water Program.

The quality of the effluent from our wastewater treatment plant is very high and meets stringent environmental standards. Our advanced treatment processes ensure that the effluent is often cleaner than the existing water in these natural bodies. This high-quality effluent can help replenish water levels and support the health of local ecosystems. By carefully managing the discharge, we aim to positively contribute to the overall water quality and availability in the area, rather than making things worse. This approach provides a new source of water that can help alleviate the stress on local water bodies.

Yes, there are several benefits! Our plant helps to improve local water quality, support sustainable water management, and ensure safe wastewater treatment. By providing reliable wastewater treatment, we contribute to the overall health and well-being of the community. Additionally, our plant serves as a new source of water. By treating wastewater to a high standard, we can repurpose it for various non-potable uses such as irrigation, industrial processes, and replenishing local water bodies. This reduces the demand on existing freshwater sources, promoting water conservation and sustainability. In times of water scarcity, having an additional source of treated water becomes invaluable for maintaining the community’s resilience and sustainability.

The city sewer system is too far away, and there is no capacity in the area to accommodate our needs. Building a new wastewater treatment plant allows us to keep the solution within the neighborhood, providing a reliable and efficient service tailored specifically to our community. This approach ensures that we have the necessary infrastructure to support local development and maintain high standards of water quality and environmental sustainability.

A certified operator is responsible for ensuring that the plant abides by the permit limitations. This professional is trained and licensed to manage the plant’s operations, monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, and implement necessary measures to maintain adherence to all permit conditions. Their expertise and oversight are crucial in maintaining the plant’s performance and environmental compliance.